Sunday, February 24, 2008


Venue: European Business School, Germany
A project presentation was being presented to a panel of 3 German Professors and an audience of almost 60 students. The project group consisted of an Indian and a Chinese from Beijing University.
After the presentation, the usual Q&A session started. And regarding one recommendation given by the project group, one of the panel members told them that this recommendation is not practical. But of course, the project group gave their arguments to defend their point. After about 10 minutes of tussle, the project group justified their point very well and the panel member agreed with their point and accepted that his point that the recommendation is not practical was wrong.
Now starts the best part: One of the panel members, who was a German, turns towards the audience and says: Beware guys, in the next 10 years, this is the way in which India and China are going to beat Germany.
And believe it or not, the audience gave a thundering round of applause to the project group!!


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Unknown said...

Hey, good one. Keep it up!

Deepak said...

fantastic post....

whr r these days?

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